We are really excited to welcome builders and trades business owners from Western Australia this year. Western Australia has been under represented at our events previously but this year we are expecting a strong showing from the sand-gropers. Frustratingly the Western Australian market has been flat for longer than other states and business owners in the building industry have needed to be better than average to survive.
It's really no surprise though that the building industry is cyclical because it has always been that way and always will be. The only difference is how business owners position themselves to thrive in both the ups and downs of the market. We have clients that will be sharing their experiences on how to ensure you can sail through the downside of the market and profit from the upside. This information sharing session will be the focus of our second day together where you'll hear the day to day real life experiences of other business owners just like you.
I asked Terry Greedy from Griffith what he thinks of the conference event as Terry has attended every year for the last five years and is arguably our most 'experienced' builder in the room. The audio isn't great but the content is GOLD so I invite you to click on the video link below to have a listen.
Finally a reminder to our existing clients to register for FREE below to secure your place. We have an excellent lineup of building material suppliers who generously help sponsor the program and this includes James Hardie, PGH Bricks, Dulux and Bluescope. So you'll not only learn best practice accounting, legal and marketing principles for builders but you'll also learn the latest in product innovations and applications for the leading suppliers in the industry. Best of all you'll hear it all in a room full of business owners that care about where their business is going and you can catch the momentum..
You won't be asked to sign up for anything or pushed for a commitment to join our group so please don't be nervous about coming along for the first time. For builders needing CPD points, attendance at this event achieves the 12 points per annum requirement.
Register for event